Discussion and recommendations were taken involving all our beneficiary soup kitchens . Since most have provided their communities for several years we felt they were the most reliable souce of information. Most of our beneficiaries, although running soup kitchens too promote and organise thier informal commnities child safety , child and womens safety initiatives and are communty leaders as will be seen on links ot the right
( see summary of previous months beneficiaries and payments here and donors here ) the records on our database monthly invoices and evaluations of previous monetary funding to some of the NPOs or Community Feedng Schemes here had been done assiduously in a team of funding decisons previusly which helped and estalish the credentials of most of our the beneficiaries, Now we have additonally added new ones. .FOOD DELIVERY We are now delivering food ingredients for all beneficiaries and n the future too rather than send monetary donations. We have utilised the resources of our supplier YEBOFRESH PTY LTD, also a Social Entrepenuer, to deliver food for 6 months once a month ENUMERATION OF FOOD NEEDS Soup kitchens agreed as a bare minimum that 2.5 kg samp + 500g beands with 2 packets of soup powder can feed a meal to 100 people. By consensus with the soup kitchen cooks we purchased 69 kg samp with e same amount of beans plus soup powder and bags of potatoes and carrots with soup powder making approx 7000 meals for approx 200 children and adults for august which has been budgeted will be ongong monthly from our current funds available until at the least January 2021, a 6 month perod as we have advsed them FOOD SHORTAGE Nevertheless GIven that each soup kitchen is currently turnng away around 25 -35% of their numbers, and given our limited funds we regretably still have no alternative but to only deliver enough food for approximatrly 1 meal fr 2 days of the week as opposed ot the other daqys of the week which we cannto supply We also had to take on far fewer soup- kitchens than wed have liked and canot n current funds take on new beneficiaries apart from these until funds become more available . 90% of these soup kitchens have staff capacity to do another 4-5 days of meals other than the days we are able to fund. currently willing were we to find the extra funds. So any further funds we receive can address this need and plan for future needs Some of our beneficiaries are also funded by other Donors and CANS ( local COVID inspired Cape town action networks )as much as budgets or donors allow but the enumeration we have done recemntly of food shortage takes inot accunt all their funds still leavng the shortfall of meals alluded ot above. the food crisis for impoverished communities especially now in covid is massive with a 52 percent unemployment rate in the western cape due to 5 months of lockdown and a stalled economy . Nevertheless beneficiaroes like Sandra jantjies we care and Charmaine pretorus Hillview settlement have been needed in settlements for form 13-15 years back when Sandra and charmane started and clearly endemic poverty in informal areas will not anytime soon be ended. We have tryied to give a transparent account to other NGOS and donors and hope the reader finds this useful One can donate to us further here Our donors currently are listed here |
500 meals made on days served Food ingredients for Dews of Quietness NPO 105 631 founded by Morieda den who runs 3 soup kithens in surrounding locations
1./ mandoline place retirement village stteenberg mon wed fri 2,/ cavalladorp informal stellement steenberg mon wed fri 3./ cafda village retreat mon wed fri ![]()
![]() Hakkem dirks 100 meals made on days served New monwabisi park mitchells plein
Food ingredients for 2 soup kitchens
Zairuneesa Daniels 200 meals made on days served soup kitchens running in Silver city in Mitchells plein ![]()
800 meals made on days served Food ingredients for 4 soup kitchens
Aysha Davids WOMEN HOPE for the NATION NPO reg 184-629 soup kitchens Lavender hill alexander st sakkies dorp village height inform settlement bonniface st st montague village st bernards st st montague village ashley court lavender hill ![]() Sandy Arendse HIll view 2 (sshared nvoice as sandy above )
![]() 100 meals made made on days served Food ingredients for Sandra jantijies We care community org in bonteheuwel
100 meals made made on days served Food ingredients for Deborah boyes "boyes helping hands "..for joe slovo settlement and homless Boyes Helping Hands NPO 106-205 has been feeding the homeless and less fortunate for ten years.